Can You Spot It?

Can you spot it?  YOUR UNIT?  It’s in there!


I sat down and programmed 200 units tonight (300 to go).  Static bags and shipping envelopes are arriving mid-week.  I emailed the cable supplier tonight to see if there was any way to “hurry up” the order.  We’ll see what they say.  Tuesday night I’ll get the rest programmed and connectors tested.  Wednesday I’ll start testing the Run/Undo and LED On/Off switches.  Thursday I’ll start putting them in their static bags and packing envelopes.  Somewhere in there I need to write up, print, cut, and fold 500 copies of the new instruction sheet and put them in the envelopes too.  I am hoping when the cables do arrive that I’ll be ready to just drop them in the bags, seal them up, and start printing labels..
