This timeline captures major historical points in the Panasonic Plasma Rising Blacks problem and the currently known solution, as well as PMCv1 and PMCv2 development milestones. (If you find any errors or omissions in this timeline, please let me know.)
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- 12 Aug 2012 - clktmr Reports I2C Fix
2012.08.12clktmr (reportedly from Germany) posts on AVS Forum that he has discovered a fix to the Panasonic Plasma Rising Black level problem on his 50S10. This fix is the basis for PMCv1. The fix details the clearing of certain values within the Panel EEPROM and marks a major milestone in the Black Level problem. (Between you and me the timing of this event is very interesting..)
- 5 May 2013 - MARKONE Confirms I2C Fix
2013.05.05AVS Forum user MARKONE posts confirmation that clktmr's Panel EEPROM clearing technique works on his European 50G10 without modding the TV hardware. This gives the first indication that a DIY approach fix could be detailed.
- 5-13 Jun 2013 - mironto and audiodane Discuss Solutions
2013.06.05AVS Forum users mironto and audiodane begin discussing possible solutions utilizing the I2C bus communication fix. Mironto discusses creating a DIY guide using an Arduino, while audiodane discusses a standalone dedicated PCB solution.
- 7 Jul 2013 - mironto Reports I2C Success (PMCv1 Foundation)
2013.07.07AVS Forum user mironto reports successful black level reset back to factory values and follows-up with pictures to support the claim. This is a major milestone in the development of a fix and is the foundational work for the PMCv1.
- 3 Aug 2013 - mironto Launches DIY Website
2013.08.03AVS Forum user mironto launches his DIY Panasonic Plasma Black Level Restoration website using an Arduino. mironto will continue to update it and turn it into a premiere source of information for the Panasonic Black Level problem and the I2C Reset Solution, and even give out parts to users in need at his own expense. mironto's DIY site will provide all the necessary information for the PMCv1 to get off the ground.
- 20 Aug 2013 - PMCv1 Development Blog Started
2013.08.20Preliminary feedback form created, 21 submissions recorded, leading to design around 20pin connector (later changed to 11pin connector)
- 22 Aug 2013 - PMCv1 Development Parts Ordered
2013.08.22Microprocessor eval board, several small target boards, a couple I2C EEPROMs, and a few 11pin and 20pin connectors ordered to begin development effort.
- 25 Aug 2013 - PMCv1 Preliminary Investigation Begun
2013.08.25Preliminary data findings good; a few pictures posted of development process:

- 4 Sep 2013 - PMCv1 Development Parts Arrive
2013.09.04Microprocessor evaluation platform, several target microprocessor off-the-shelf boards, and several test EEPROM devices received.
- 9 Sep 2013 - PMCv1 Undo Function Added
2013.09.09Fear over "bricking" other people's sets leads to creation of "Undo" feature.
- 26 Sep 2013 - PMCv1 Basic Functionality Working
2013.09.26Basic functionality is successfully proven with test hardware; next steps involve hooking up to personal TV and hoping it doesn't smoke. Much like a physician testing a new medicine on themselves first; stress is high.
- 4 Oct 2013 - PMCv1 Initial Connector Decision
2013.10.04The 20pin connector was decided to be the best choice because it offered 3.3V that the micro needs rather than the 11pin connector that only offers 5.0V power. (This would later change back to the 11pin connector.) Photo of prototype revealed.

- 6 Oct 2013 - PMCv1 Connected to TV for First Time
2013.10.06Finally starting to monitor actual TV signals for power on/off cycling and other details. A major milestone in PMCv1 development.

- 16 Oct 2013 - PMCv1 Primary Functionality Completed
2013.10.16All essential functionality is completed, which represents a major milestone; however timing glitches remain that will need resolution for a successful product.
- 17 Oct 2013 - PMCv1 Critical Timing Determined
2013.10.17When and how long the Panel EEPROM can actually be properly accessed is finally discovered (as it relates to the seamless boot sequence goal), but the discovery is bittersweet. The user will have to cycle power manually after PMCv1 does its job. The silver lining is that the user will not have to pull the power cord out of the wall (as thought a requirement at the time within the online forums) but will be able to use the remote control's power button normally.
- 28 Oct 2013 - PMCv1 Connector Problems
2013.10.28It comes to light that the 20pin connector is far less common than anticipated. The transition to 11pin connectors begins here. This transition will require a custom PCB to include a voltage converter. Two custom designs are begun to accommodate. Additionally, the holiday season takes its toll on the project schedule.
- 9 Jan 2014 - PMCv1 Preliminary Model List Released
2014.01.09Research over the holidays provides sufficient information to continue PMCv1 development. Three predominant connectors found across multiple dozens of television models. Custom PCB effort continues, designed to support all three connectors.
- 20 Jan 2014 - PMCv1 Custom PCB Design Decision
2014.01.20Hopes to use an existing but modified PCB design are finally scrapped in favor of a fully custom PCB. This decision impacts both timing and cost, but is required due to the amount of modification an existing off-the-shelf board would require to work in the supported models. Sufficient information is gathered to focus on a single custom PCB.
- 28 Jan 2014 - PMCv1 Custom PCB Submitted for Quote
2014.01.28PCB version "A" submitted for initial quote to help determine final cost targets.
- 18 Feb 2014 - PMCv1 Preliminary Pricing Announced
2014.02.18Preliminary quotes come in much higher than expected. PMCv1 price increased to $60 to accommodate higher production costs.
- 3 Mar 2014 - PMCv1 Work Slows Dramatically
2014.03.03Work on PMCv1 slows dramatically while a critical project at work requires overtime.
- 15 Apr 2014 - PMCv1 Initial Production Quantity Set
2014.04.15After a many-week gap in development efforts, progress begins to pick up again. Initial production quantity is decided at 100pcs for per-piece cost reasons, requiring a much larger initial capital investment than anticipated.
- 5 May 2014 - PMCv1 Scale Cutout Revealed
2014.05.05Custom PCB version B revealed, actual size, printed on paper, photographed next to US Quarter for size reference. Card-edge connector settled on for faster programming and lower production costs.

- 16 Jun 2014 - PMCv1 Initial Production Order Placed
2014.06.16First run of 100 production PMCv1 units is ordered. This marks another major milestone in the project.
- 8 Jul 2014 - First Production Run of PMCv1's Received
2014.07.08The first production run of #100 PMCv1 units arrive! Effort begins to get the code from the previous prototype working on real PMCv1 hardware. This marks a major milestone in the PMCv1 development.

- 20 Jul 2014 - First Articles Approved
2014.07.201st-Article Connectors (PHR11 [larger] and GHR11 [smaller]) approved. This means that the rest of the connector assemblies can be produced. Preliminary board and software preparations are going smoothly and things are working well. Preparing for preliminary I2C testing (communication with TV).

- 20 Aug 2014 - The Day the Earth Stood Still
2014.08.20My wife was admitted to the hospital for six (6) days with multiple blood clots in her lungs. While the world kept spinning and moving around us, I was by her side 24/7. We thank God for her recovery (slow but steady). She had to give up her seat on our planned missionary trip to Guatemala the following week, but she insisted that I still go..

- 19 Sep 2014 - First Test Platform Created
2014.09.19The first test platform (PHR11 connector) is created that will be used to verify each PMCv1. Doesn't look like much, but firsts rarely do..

- 23 Sep 2014 - First 18 PMCv1 Units Tested
2014.09.23The first 18 units successfully built-up and tested!

- 29 Sep 2014 - 86 PMCv1 Units Ready for Programming
2014.09.29 A total of 86 PMCv1 units have been assembled with PHR connectors (2008-2009 model years) and tested. Once final firmware is loaded, they will be ready for sale. Sandbox testing of the shopping cart on the website begins, preparing to "go live." The website itself once more begins seeing revision to the PMCv1 page, preparing it for mass consumption.

- 4 Oct 2014 - Loss of a True Friend
2014.10.04Due to complications from a kidney stone, we lost our first child today. Gunther was half Cocker Spaniel and half German Shepard. He was 13 years old and a shining example of unconditional love. We miss you buddy.

- 10 Oct 2014 - PMCv1 Begin First Sales
2014.10.10After over thirteen (13) months of work, setbacks, and delays, the PMCv1 is finally available for sale!

- 13 Oct 2014 - First Shipments
2014.10.13Forty (40) PMCv1 units sold in the first day of sales! Thank you everyone!

- 2 Nov 2014 - PMCv1 Initial Production Run Sold Out
2014.11.02The first production run of PMCv1's sell out completely in 24 days! Due to the success of the PMCv1 sales, a second production run is planned using a pre-order window.
- 8 Dec 2014 - PMCv2 Preorders Begin
2014.12.08Due to the success of the the PMCv1 and continued interest after the last unit sold, pre-orders began for the next version, PMCv2. PMCv2 copies much of the PMCv1 design, with a few tweaks to enable a higher production volume. Initial production of PMCv2 will be 500pcs (compared to only 100pcs of PMCv1 units produced).

- 23 Feb 2015 - PMCv2 Devices Begin Shipping
2015.02.23PMCv2 devices begin shipping. PMCv2 devices include connector cables for both 2008-2009 and 2010 model TVs, simplifying both purchasing and shipping.

- 27 Feb 2015 - PMCv2 Sales Begin on eBay
2015.02.27eBay's Global Shipping Program (GSP) is selected to enable sales outside the USA. Ebay's GSP promises to handle all requirements including international carrier selection and handoff, customs paperwork, customs fees, and import tariffs.
- 28 Feb 2015 - Possible Incompatibility with Gx2x
2015.02.28Several users report the PMCv2 LED not blinking the way it should with their Gx2x model televisions. Over the coming days, several more users report confirmation with their Gx2x models. Investigation begins.
- 25 Apr 2015 - PMCv1/v2 Software v2.2 Released
2015.04.25After significant testing efforts, some Gx2x and Vx2x models are assumed to be incompatible with the reset mechanism currently employed by both the PMCv1/v2 device and Mironto's DIY method.
As a result of the Gx2x and Vx2x investigation, however, an updated v2.2 software is released for all PMCv2 devices that enable a new user-controlled reset mechanism. This new manual reset mechanism causes the PMCv2 device to be IDLE until the user indicates to reset the TV. All other times the PMCv2 device does nothing. (All prior purchases may be upgraded to the new v2.2 software at no charge.)
- 26 Mar 2015 - Shipments to Canada via PayPal
2015.05.26After a couple test purchases, it is determined that PayPal can handle shipments to Canada including customs paperwork. Canadian customers no longer need to use eBay to purchase a PMCv2.
- 31 Aug 2015 - PMCv2 Price Reduced
2015.08.31In celebration of approximately two years after product design kickoff and approximately one year after initial sales of the PMCv1, the price of the PMCv2 is dropped from UDS$60 to USD$49.95.
Additionally, eBay item listings are further split from USD$49.95 + free shipping (which meant import tariffs were charged on the entire transaction amount) to USD$24.95 + $25 shipping. This still comes to a total transaction cost of USD$49.95 but import tariffs are largely reduced (and in many countries eliminated altogether) because the item cost is below USD$25.
- 9 May 2017 - PMCv1/v2 Sold Out
2017.05.09After over 7.5 years after the Panasonic Rising Black (MLL) issue was first announced, and after two production runs of nearly 500pcs (sold over 2.5 years), the last remaining PMCv2 was sold.

- PMCv2 2018 Build Pre-orders
2018.04.13After receiving many requests to build additional PMCv2 units, audiodane comes out of PMCv2-retirement to produce one more run of ~100 units, with all profits expressly going towards his local church's mission fund.
- PMCv2 2018 Build First Shipments
2018.07.22PMCv2 2018 unit are built, programmed, and all pre-order units (several dozen!) are shipped to customers. The same day, the net proceeds from all pre-orders are sent to the local church mission fund, totaling $843.72!
- PMCv2 2018 Build Sold Out
2018.12.31With the last PMCv2 2018 build unit shipped on December 8th, the final net proceeds are submitted to the local church mission fund. In total, the PMCv2 2018 build yields an impressive $2,368.70 to the local church's mission fund!